Mixed Raisins Qibla – Healthy Snack Box


Mixed Raisins Qibla – Healthy Snack Box

Product Code: QT – 210

Mixed Raisins Qibla – Healthy Snack Box

The mix jumbo size raisins are ripened by the sun, then dried, carefully moisturized and packed to lock in the natural goodness. The mix jumbo raisins are made of the combination of black jumbo raisins & the golden jumbo raisins. One of the biggest benefits of eating raisins is that they’re a quick, easy and tasty way to get some of your daily recommended fruit servings. Women should eat at least 1.5 cups of fruit daily and men should have 2 cups.

Items include in this box are

1. Black Jumbo Raisin

2. Golden Jumbo Raisin Raisins pack more nutrition than their small size might indicate.

When grapes are dehydrated to produce raisins, the nutrients become more concentrated, making a handful of raisins a snack rich in B vitamins, iron and potassium. Besides nutrients, raisins are also a good source of carbohydrates for energy. Raisins are loaded with fibers, which swells when they absorb water and effectively provide relief from constipation. Regular intake of raisins help regularize bowel movement as the fibers remove the toxins and wastes from the gastrointestinal tract.




Organic, Premium Quality


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