Dried Mango Qibla – Healthy Snack Box


Dried Mango Qibla – Healthy Snack Box

Product Code: QT – 214

Dried Mango Qibla – Healthy Snack Box

Dried mangoes are an excellent source of both types of dietary fiber.

Benefits of Qibla Dried Mango:

First dried mango benefit is related to vitamin A. This vitamin is vital for healthy vision, radiant skin, and a strong immune system.

Dried mangoes contain soluble fibers that not only aid digestion and cleanses the digestive system, but also helps lower cholesterol and aids in weight loss.

Dried Mangoes contain compounds that act as antioxidants. Antioxidants protect our cells from free radical damage often associated with cancer, diabetes, and aging.

Dried mangoes contain doses of folate that when oxidized, turns into folic acid. It is essential in the proper development of a baby’s brain and spinal cord, thus preventing any defects associated with underdevelopment of a baby’s nervous system.

Dried mango’s reputation as a mood booster arises from its high levels of B-vitamins, namely B1 (thiamin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine) and B9 (folate). They are marketed as promoting an alert mind, helping to fight stress and maintaining stamina all day long.




Organic, Premium Quality


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