Dried Kiwi Qibla – Healthy Snack Box


Dried Kiwi Qibla – Healthy Snack Box

Product Code: QT – 209

Dried Kiwi Qibla – Healthy Snack Box

Benefits of Qibla Dried Kiwi:

Anti-ageing Benefits: The rich variety of antioxidants in kiwifruit can delay the effects of ageing throughout the body. These antioxidants can neutralize the free radicals that damage the cells and accelerate the process of degeneration resulting in changes in skin thickness, elasticity and firmness. Kiwi fruit oil and the oil extracted from its seeds are used in several anti-ageing products. The amazing combination of vitamin C, E, lycopene and other substances can effectively fight free radicals and prevent pre mature ageing of skin.

Maintains Skin Firmness: Kiwis have a high content of water soluble vitamin C which is involved in collagen formation. Collagen is a connective protein that imparts firmness to your skin. Production of collagen declines with skin ageing, causing it to lose its elasticity. Kiwi extract is a collagen stimulating ingredient which is added to several skincare products to slow down the ageing process and minimize signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines and spots.

Softens Skin: Vitamin C not only imparts firmness to your skin but also repairs it. Kiwis have more vitamin C than oranges. Vitamin C facilitates quick healing of cuts and abrasions as well as prevents rough and dry skin. Thus, regular consumption of kiwi fruit provides you with a softer skin.





Organic, Premium Quality


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