Dried Fruits Qibla – Healthy Snack Box


Dried Fruits Qibla – Healthy Snack Box

Product Code: QT – 211

Dried Fruits Qibla – Healthy Snack Box

Eating a combination of dried Mix Fruit such as this one can deliver a large variety of nutrients. A set of fruits provides more vitamins and minerals than you wll get from any one kind of fruit. This is important because many antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals are more effective when taken in combination.

Mix Fruit provides an excellent source of dietary fiber in both essential forms: Soluble fiber controls blood sugar and reduces bad and cholesterol levels.

Mix Fruit improves nutrient absorption to ensure your body. As benefits from the vitamins and minerals naturally occurring in the fruit. Insoluble fiber is vital for a healthy digestive system. And also provides a sense of fullness.A great way to prevent cardiovascular problems, Dry Fruits and nuts help reduce the risk of coronary heart problems. Nuts such as cashews contain mono-unsaturated fats that promote cardiovascular health. While pistachios contain vitamin B6 that prevents heart problems, dates protect us from atherosclerosis, which is a major cause of strokes.

Considered as a rich source of potassium, vitamin A, fiber, and copper. Prunes help in maintaining high energy levels. While cashews with high copper concentration help in energy production. Almonds in particular, assist in the formation of new blood cells. And they are extremely effective in maintaining and improving hemoglobin level.




Organic, Premium Quality


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